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Get computer audio into Jamulus

26 Jan 2022 av ann0see

This guide explains how to play a mp3 file, YouTube video, MuseScore file or any system audio into Jamulus. We’re using JACK for Windows however, it is also possible to use different software like VoiceMeeter Banana, ASIO LinkPro or similar. I assume you already know how to install software or know someone who helps you with that.

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Multiple Inputs

09 Sep 2021 av pcar75

Points to note about inputs

  • If you want to connect 2 or more sources (e.g. voice + synth + guitar), it is important to note that Jamulus currently handles only 2 input channels (L/R). So the hardware being used must provide a mixed-down stereo output to Jamulus. Alternatively, run two instances of Jamulus, if your hardware supports it, or use virtual audio inputs to Jamulus for each hardware input.
  • Audio interfaces generally output a mixed signal on their analogue output, but separate signals (1 per source) on their digital output (USB/FireWire/Thunderbolt).
  • Mixers generally only output mixed-down signals on their analogue output.
  • Mixers with USB/FireWire/Thunderbolt generally output a mixed-down signal on their analogue output AND separate signals only (no mixed-down signal) on their digital output.
  • A few Mixers with USB/FireWire/Thunderbolt will either send only a mixed-down signal to the digital output (small/budget mixers), or else also ADD a stereo mixed-down signal to the separate signals on the digital output.

(Thanks to pcar75 for this information)

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Jamulus Demos

09 Sep 2021 av gilgongo

Examples of Jamulus in Use

Feel free to add your own!

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